Page Tracker


PageTracker is the top level tracker. It is used to send page bound events like pageView and instantiate other tracker objects that will be bound to one page, like StreamTracker for tracking streams and RecommendationTracker for recommendation panels.

Below is how to create a PageTracker and send page view events tied to a certain page. It will need a PageContext object that will list all of the properties that will be shared by all events sent from this page. The values you fill in here should be discussed in the tagplan.

    <script lang="text/javascript">
      window.onload = function() {
        // Create a PageTracker object, passing it the NPOTag and a PageContext object
        const tracker = npotag.newPageTracker(tag, {
          page: 'profile_page',
          chapter_1: 'home',
          chapter_2: 'profile',
          // etc...
// Create a PageTracker object, passing it the NPOTag and a PageContext object
const tracker = newPageTracker(tag, {
  page: 'profile_page',
  chapter_1: 'home',
  chapter_2: 'profile',
  // etc...

// Create a context object with all property values
// All of the properties are optional
let context = PageContext(
  page: "page",
  chapter1: "chapter1",
  chapter2: "chapter2",
  chapter3: "chapter3",
  broadcasters: "broadcasters",
  program: "program",
  contentContextId: "contextId",
  queryContext: "queryContext",
  condition: "condition",
  errorCode: "errorCode",
  customLabel1: "label1",
  customLabel2: "label2",
  customLabel3: "label3",
  customLabel4: "label4",
  customLabel5: "label5",
  location: "location",
  referrer: "referrer"

// Instantiate the tracker object from the NPOTag shared instance
let tracker = NPOTag.shared.newPageTracker(with: context)

// Instantiate the tracker object from the NpoTag instance
val tracker = npoTag.pageTrackerBuilder()
        chapter1 = "C1",
        chapter2 = "C2",
        chapter3 = "C3"
        customLabel1 = "L1",
        customLabel2 = "L2",
        customLabel3 = "L3",
        customLabel4 = "L4",
        customLabel5 = "L5"

Once created the tracker’s context is immutable, if you need to send events with new properties (because user has switched page for instance), you will need a new tracker instance with a different PageContext. The ways this SDK is intended to be used is that you should have one PageTracker instance per page that is kept alive for the whole lifecycle of the page. Once a new page is reached, a new tracker should be instantiated. See the contexts documentation for a detailed list of properties available for each context class.


Sends a pageView event for the current page.

public func pageView()
override fun pageView()


⚠️ (experimental feature, web-only) ⚠️

The NPOTag supports A/B testing by randomly assigning a given device or user into a test condition. (currently only available for Web). The same device/user will get the same condition across calls as long as the experiment name and conditions are not changed, so that one user will not see different pages when refreshing.

You can have an arbitrary number of A/B/C/… groups, but the weights should sum to 1.0. The method will return a string which corresponds to one of the condition name fields OR default when assignment failed (which you should handle correctly in your code).

Only events triggered after the abAssign() call will contain the information about the A/B test. As such, you should generally keep this order of execution:

  1. Create the tag
  2. Create the PageTracker
  3. Login (if applicable)
  4. abAssign()
  5. PageView()
  6. OtherEvent

Because assignment is based on user information, abAssign should be called after logging in the user. In addition, because the measurements should contain the assigned field, so you must call abAssign before the pageView. failure to keep the right order could influence A/B assignment validity and data collection

// login the user first (if this is a logged in user)
  user_profile: 'example',
  user_subscription: 'free',
  user_pseudoid: 'example',
  user_id: 'example',

const condition = pageTracker.abAssign({
  experiment_name : 'button-test',
  conditions: [
    { name: 'redButton', weight : 0.5},
    { name: 'greenButton', weight : 0.5},

// Example usage in your app
switch (condition) {
  case 'redButton' : { = 'red';
  case 'greenButton': { = 'green';
  case 'default' : {
    console.log('no match for AB condition') = ""

// Send the pageView after assignment
// login the user first (if this is a logged in user)
  user_profile: 'example',
  user_subscription: 'free',
  user_pseudoid: 'example',
  user_id: 'example',

const condition = pageTracker.abAssign({
  experiment_name : 'button-test',
  conditions: [
    { name: 'redButton', weight : 0.5},
    { name: 'greenButton', weight : 0.5},

// Example usage in your app
switch (condition) {
  case 'redButton' : { = 'red';
  case 'greenButton': { = 'green';
  case 'default' : {
    console.log('no match for AB condition') = ""

// Send the pageView after assignment


Users can interact with many things that are not links to content, such as a login button, a hamburger-menu foldout etcetera. The click event covers these cases. There are for preset click types navigation, action, exit and download. These are the click events AT internet and Govolte support. Additionally the govolte plugin supports custom clicks types. What name, type and chapters you fill in should be discussed in the tagplan.{
  click_name: 'menu',
  click_type: 'navigation' | 'action' | 'exit' | 'download' | string,
  click_chapter_1: 'Home',
  click_chapter_2: 'Navigation bar',
  click_chapter_3: 'Left',

The type parameter can take any of the defined string values, or a custom string value. Parameters click_chapter_1/2/3 are optional:{
  click_name: 'menu',
  click_type: 'custom-click-type',
  click_name: 'menu',
  click_type: 'navigation' | 'action' | 'exit' | 'download' | string,
  click_chapter_1: 'Home',
  click_chapter_2: 'Navigation bar',
  click_chapter_3: 'Left',

The type parameter can take any of the defined string values, or a custom string value. Parameters click_chapter_1/2/3 are optional:{
  click_name: 'menu',
  click_type: 'custom-click-type',
    name: "menu",
    type: ClickType.action,
    chapter1: "Home",
    chapter2: "Navigation bar",
    chapter3: "Left"

The type parameter can take any predefined value exposed by the ClickType enum, or a custom value using the .other enum case. Parameters chapter1/2/3 are optional:
    name: "menu",
    type: ClickType.other(value: "your_custom_type_here")
    name = "menu",
    type = ClickType.Action(),
    chapter1 = "Home",
    chapter2 = "Navigation bar",
    chapter3 = "Left"

The type parameter can take any predefined value exposed by the ClickType sealed class, or a custom value using the .Other class. Parameters chapter1/2/3 are optional:
    name = "menu",
    type = ClickType.Other("your_custom_type_here"),

Click events with custom types are not supported by ATInternet so sending click events with such types will only be sent by the Govolte plugin, if it has been enabled.