
The AT Internet plugin sends events to AT Internet using the PianoAnalytics SDK.


Create the plugin as follows:

The newATInternetPlugin method supports the following configuration options:

// Accept all defaults
const atInternetPlugin = newATInternetPlugin();

// Modify configuration
const atInternetPlugin = newATInternetPlugin({
  collectDomain: '',

The newATInternetPlugin method supports the following configuration options:

// Accept all defaults
const atInternetPlugin = newATInternetPlugin();

// Modify configuration
const atInternetPlugin = newATInternetPlugin({
  collectDomain: '',

The AT Internet plugin should be included within the plugins when creating the shared NPOTag instance. You do not need to specify any parameters when initialising it.

let atInternetPlugin = ATInternetPlugin()

  withSharedContext: sharedContext,
  plugins: [

ATInternetPlugin should be created by PluginsFactory (see example below)

  • pluginContext: Object provided by PluginsFactory
    .withPluginsFactory { pluginContext ->

Stored values (Cookies/LocalStorage/Application storage)

Piano documentation about stored values (Client Side Cookies):

Plugin-specific fields

The following fields are inferred by the sdk and only used by the ATInternetPlugin.

c_nmo_02: is_homepage (bool as int)

A boolean value indicating whether or not this page is the home page. The value is inferred as true if the value of page in the PageContext is home.

cs_fpid: nmoid (string)

The NMO DAM (Nederlands Media Onderzoek - Digital Audience Measurements) requires a unique identifier for each session (in this context, a browser session) which is in the form: <currentDateTimeInMillisec>_<random_integer_8_digits> This value is stored and regenerated after 90 days of inactivity.

Note: This will not be used if upon instantiation of the NPO Tag, the NMO DAM measurements are disabled.