The iOS Topspin library is a Swift project that can be integrated as a Cocoapod or as a framework.
The project can be integrated as a cocoapod by putting the following line in
the Podfile
pod 'Topspin', :git => ''
If you want to send analytics to AT Internet as well, you’ll need to include the AT Internet plugin cocoapod as well:
pod 'TSAtInternet', :git => ''
In order to install a specific version of the app instead of the latest version, the following line can be used instead:
pod 'Topspin', :git => '', :tag => '1.6.0'
pod 'TSAtInternet', :git => '', :tag => '1.6.0'
Create a TSTopspin and TSDivoltePlugin instance by using a configured TSTopspinFactory object:
TSTopspinFactory* factory = [[TSTopspinFactory alloc] init];
TSDivoltePlugin* divolte = [[TSDivoltePlugin alloc] initWithEnvironment:TSDivolteEnvironmentTypeDevelopment];
TSTopspin* topspin = [factory buildWithPlugins:@[divolte]];
TSPageLabels* labels = [topspin pageLabels];
[labels setMerkId:@(9)];
[labels setMerk:@"topspin-demo"];
[labels setPlatform:TSPlatformTypeApp];
[labels setMerkType:TSMerkTypeStandalone];
[labels setPlatformVersie:@"1.0"];
In order to include the AT Internet plugin as well, import the TSAtInternet framework and define the plugin like this:
TSAtInternetPlugin* atInternet = [[TSAtInternetPlugin alloc] initWithEnvironment:TSAtInternetEnvironmentDevelopment];
TSTopspin* topspin = [factory buildWithPlugins:@[divolte, atInternet]];
To disable logs, put:
[TSTopspin enableLogs:NO];
To register the app to automatically send app-lifecycle events:
[topspin registerAppLifecycle];
This creates a Topspin client with all default settings. The first time it’s used, it will generate a Divolte partyId
and ATInternet nmoPanelID
and store it in the standard user defaults. Upon subsequent use, it will load these IDs from the user defaults. Several customisations options exist, explained below.
For testing purposes it might be useful to disable network calls. The following code will do just that:
[[TSTopspin sharedInstance] disableNetworkCalls:YES];
A tracker must be created to track events:
// age view, inheriting global labels from app
TSTracker* tracker = [[TSTopspin sharedInstance] createNewTracker];
// set required labels for a page
TSPageLabels* labels = [tracker pageLabels];
[labels setNiveau1:@"start"];
[labels setPagina:@"home"];
To send an page/content view event:
// perform actual pageview
[[tracker contentView] setReferrer:@"homescreen"];
[[tracker contentView] send];
To track streaming events first make a tracker and send streaming events as follows:
- (void)startPlayback {
_streamTracker = [_tracker streamForMID:@"KNO_2308383"];
[_streamTracker load];
// when the video starts:
[_streamTracker start:0];
- (void)pause {
[_avPlayer pause];
CMTime position = [_avPlayer currentTime];
[_streamTracker pause:CMTimeGetSeconds(position)];
A real-world player would add various callbacks to the player which call the corresponding methods on the StreamRecorder
Following the general Topspin design, there are three types of recommendations: editorials, recommendations and searches.
For each of the types, a specific tracker can be created from your main TSTracker
For detailed information about recommendation fields, see the general Topspin documentation for recommendations.
To add NPO user profile data to the gathered analytics, call [_tracker login]
and [_tracker logout]
when appropriate.
The login data is not stored by the library, and must be properly set each time the library is initialized.
After a login call, all events will contain a reference to the profile.
Since version 1.7.3, a random nmoPanelID is generated. This is automatically send to ATInternet (if enabled) as custom var 17
. You can get this parameter on the main Topspin
object: topspin.nmoPanelID
. This ID is used for panel identification purposes.
Both the Divolte partyID
and ATInternet nmoPanelID
are tracked in the standard user defaults in a dictionary that is set for the key npo_divolte
If you want to change the key name, you can do so like this:
TSTopspinFactory* factory = [[TSTopspinFactory alloc] init];
factory.preferencesName = @"examplePreference";
TSTopspin* topspin = [factory build];
If you want to disable our use of the standard user defaults entirely, this is also possible:
TSTopspinFactory* factory = [[TSTopspinFactory alloc] init];
factory.preferencesName = TSPreferencesDisabled;
TSTopspin* topspin = [factory build];
Note: you will want a persistent partyId
and nmoPanelID
across tracking events from any one app instance. If
you disable user defaults storage, you should implement an alternative way to store and load both IDs for reuse. If you don’t provide one, the API client will generate both Ids each time it is built. You can obtain the current Ids from a Topspin instance using the partyId
and nmoPanelID
As of version 1.7.0, the Topspin SDK provides a helper method to send the IDFV (Identifier For Vendor, as retrieved by [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]
) to the Mediapanel app. This method can be called by +[TSTopspin sendIdfvToPanelAppForBundleId:]
and should be called from -[AppDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive:]
The function then opens the Mediapanel app in the following cases:
The Mediapanel app is then opened by calling finPanelApp://&from={bundleId}&pifv={idfv-hashed}&ispanel=1
. Please note that if this app is not installed, nothing will happen.
scheme to your Info.plist as item in the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
array. This allows your app to open the finPanelApp
scheme, which is registered to the Mediapanel app.IDFVKey
: The last send IDFV is stored in hereIDFVFirstTriggerDateKey
: The date when the IDFV is sent first to the Mediapanel appIDFVLastTriggerDateKey
: The date when the IDFV is most recently sent to the Mediapanel app+[TSTopspin sendIdfvToPanelAppForBundleId:]
from -[AppDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive:]
and pass the bundleId of your app.This library was build for iOS 8 and up.
The Topspin Demo
project is an iOS app that uses the Topspin client library
to demonstrate its code integration.
These instructions only apply when you use the TSAtInternetPlugin
and you’re using [[ATInternet sharedInstance] defaultTracker]
. As of 1.6.0, the TSAtInternetPlugin
uses a custom Tracker
instead of the default Tracker
. As a result, the default Tracker
is no longer configured by TSAtInternetPlugin
and needs to be configured manually. You can get this configuration through -[TSAtInternetPlugin topspinConfiguration]
Only if you include the AT Internet plugin, you’ll need to follow the following steps:
pod ‘TSAtInternet’, :git => ''
#import <TSATInternet/TSAtInternet.h>
Add code to the app-wide Topspin initialisation code:
[topspin registerAppLifecycle];
Use [_tracker editorials]
, [_tracker search]
and [_tracker push]
to create trackers for editorials, search queries and push messages.
Use [TSStreamTracker streamExternal:deviceType]
when playback switches to an external playback device, like Chromecast.
property on Topspin
which is sent as custom var 17.Calendar
property to the page labels. This version is sent to ATInternet as custom variable x16
pod TSAtInternet
to your Podfile.